Sunburst Watercolor (29.5" x
21.5") 1972 $900

Summer's Gone Watercolor (24" x
18") 2005 $400 unframed

St. Francis Acrylic Mural St. Francis Church,
Durham, NC (8.5' x 11') 1984 NFS

Geese in the Mist Watercolor (22" x
14.25") 1991 $200 unframed

Fish and Jellyfish Watercolor (14.25" x
10") 2007 $75 unframed

Geese and Clouds Watercolor (22" x
14.5") 1991 $200 unframed

Rain on the Beach Watercolor (9.5" x
11.5") 2006 $75 unframed |

Rain in the Valley Watyercolor (11.5" x
9.5") 2006 $75 unframed |

Dark Arch Sunny Village Watercolor (12"
x 9") 2006 $75 unframed |