
I’m teaching three classes for Montgomery College this Summer 2012

Watercolor Techniques I
ALREADY STARTED… Learn watercolor painting by initially focusing on basic watercolor techniques and how they are used to create texture and other realistic effects. These techniques include different wet-in-wet, dry brush, glaze, lift, stippling, flat and graded wash, printing, masking, variegated shapes, controlled spray and run, tint and shade, and resist. Each technique will be demonstrated showing examples on how they can be applied in a painting. After the basic demonstrations, you will practice and use the techniques in your own paintings from life or photos. Materials needed for the class are a basic watercolor palette (e.g. Prang OVL16), paper (e.g. any Mfg. 9″x12″, 140 lbs., hot or cold press, tablet or block), and 4-6 assorted brushes. A detailed list to be distributed to registrants prior to or at the first class. Course No. 42647 is a studio class offered thru Montgomery College (MD) Lifelong Learning Institute. See details @ on page 3. The course is 16 Hours, 8 Sessions, from 5/15 thru 7/3, on Tuesdays, 2–4 p.m.

Introduction to Drawing
Starts June 6th… Learn basic drawing skills and how they can be applied to your artwork. These skills include gesture, semi-blind contour, cross-contour, and proportional drawing. Your will learn six techniques for creating the illusion of three dimensions in a drawing, including linear perspective. The six Elements of Art and basic Principles of Composition will be introduced. All skills will be demonstrated and you will then use them in your own drawings from life or photos. Minimum materials needed for the class are a few soft-lead pencils (e.g. soft Ebony 6B, Ticonderoga 2B), paper tablet (e.g. any Mfg. 9″x12″, =>70 lbs.), and both rubber and kneaded erasers. A detailed list of these and additional materials will be distributed to registrants at the first class. Course No. 12529 is a studio class offered thru Montgomery College (MD) Continuing Education. See details @ on page 6. The course is 20 Hours, 8 Sessions, from 6/6 thru 8/1, on Wednesdays, 7–9:30 p.m.

Art Appreciation and Analysis
Starts June 8th… Appreciation of art is to some extent subjective, but personal preference, without the benefit of experience and knowledge, cannot legitimately pose as criticism of art. Like any other field, one can better understand and appreciate art by learning more about how art demands and sustains our attention. This course will explain fundamental components of art and principles on how they are used to control our attention and enhance quality. These components include the Elements of Art and objective Principles of Composition. Understanding these elements and principles leads to a greater appreciation of art, whether it was done by the great masters or just a beginner. Learning these principles will also help any artist better control and improve their own artwork. This is a basic course for anyone interested in improving their appreciation and basic understanding of art. The class will present many images of artwork (e.g. Wyeth, Hopper) from a large variety of styles, media, and artists and include lecture, handouts, and class discussion. Course No. 12554 is a lecture class offered thru Montgomery College (MD) Continuing Education. See details @ on page 6. The course is 16 Hours, 8 Sessions, from 6/8 thru 7/27, on Fridays, 1-3 p.m.

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